Piercing After Care
Spray your fresh piercing 2-3 times a day with a saline solution of your choosing. There are many different brands so find one that suits you best! I Personally/Professionally love NeilMed and Recovery. Spray the discharge off of the jewelry so it does not build up. Do not over clean as this will cause irritation. Do your best not to touch your piercings! Neil Med Wipes are amazing for discharge removal!
LITHA (Leave IT The Hell Alone) method. There is no reason to rotate your jewelry. Your fresh piercing is trying to make a home and by rotating your jewelry you are constantly disrupting it’s environment! Scabs are your body’s way of protecting itself, so leave them be!
The power of salt in healing has been known since ancient times. Egyptian physicians recommended salt to treat wounds as far back as 1600 B.C. Sodium chloride disinfects and encourages healing by drawing liquid out of bacteria, disabling the bacteria and allowing wounds to heal.
With such an effective natural resource, there’s no need to improve upon it. Over the years, we’ve developed more sterile ways of producing salt water solutions, but when it comes down to it, a good saline solution isn’t more than salt and water, and it shouldn’t be. Salt is a potent disinfectant on its own without adding chemicals that can do more harm than good.
This is exactly what you’ll find on the ingredients label of NeilMed NeilCleanse Piercing Aftercare Saline Solution: pharmaceutical-grade water and sodium chloride.
Clean hands, Clean Piercing.
Healing times may vary!
Oral Piercings
Use Recovery Mouth rinse (Made with Sea Salt, purified water and peppermint oil. 3-6 times a day or as needed.. An alternative to this rinse is non-alcoholic mouth wash. You will need to rinse your mouth after every meal. If you smoke, mouth wash after you smoke. Watch out for foods and beverages containing yeast as this can promote excess bacteria growth to occur. Watch out for teeth damage as well as extra swelling due to constant movement.